{% set readonly = 0 %}
{% set droits = -1 %}
{% set restes = -1 %}
{% set restrict = -1 %}
{% for usr_id, data in datas %}
{% if restrict == -1 %}
{% set restrict = data[constant('\\ACL::RESTRICT_DWNLD')] %}
{% elseif restrict != data[constant('\\ACL::RESTRICT_DWNLD')] %}
{% set restrict = 2 %}
{% endif %}
{% if restes == -1 %}
{% set restes = data['remain_dwnld'] %}
{% elseif restes > data['remain_dwnld'] %}
{% set restes = data['remain_dwnld'] %}
{% endif %}
{% if droits == -1 %}
{% set droits = data['month_dwnld_max'] %}
{% elseif droits < data['month_dwnld_max'] %}
{% set droits = data['month_dwnld_max'] %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if restrict == 0 %}
{% set readonly = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% set class = 'unchecked' %}
{% if restrict == 1 %}
{% set class = 'checked' %}
{% elseif restrict == 2 %}
{% set class = 'mixed' %}
{% endif %}
{{ 'Quotas' | trans }}
{% set base = collection.get_databox().get_label(app['locale']) %}
{% trans with {'%base%' : base} %}Base %base%{% endtrans %}
{% set collection = base_id|bas_labels(app) %}
{% trans with {'%collection%' : collection} %}Collection %collection%{% endtrans %}